Hello! My name is Shashank Shekhar; apart from my principled preoccupation with Law, Advocacy, and Criminal Justice, I am kept up at night by my curiosities in Complexity Economics, and Governance.
As a prospective Lawyer, I am confronted with my responsibility to contribute toward the resolution of the challenges that bedevil humanity’s destiny in the 21st century. My academic motivations are, thus, guided towards the re-imagination and re-engineering of the legal process for greater robustness, resilience, and sustainability. In line with that aspiration, I set up this website as an introduction to myself and as a repository of my work, inviting cooperation and critical scrutiny for the refinement of my ideas.
My research interests include Criminal Justice, Technology Law, Dispute Resolution, and Forensics.
I deliberate on the Law, Advocacy, and Public Policy.
The Blog.